This space is a repository for concepts, fledgling ideas, visual studies, and the like. Some of which may later develop into more complete projects, most will only see daylight here. With the creation of machine learning tools, it has become increasingly easy to explore these concepts through imagery. Not everything found here is A.I. generated, but the speed and ease of these tools allows for the creation of complex visuals near instantly. These images are never a perfect match for the pure idea due to limitations in language, however in their inaccuracies countless compelling moments can be found.

This only represents a small selection of the concepts explored. To see much more you can visit the WROT Instagram profile.

Tacky Connections

2023 | Elastic material bridge celebrating the gap

Iterating options for a material bridge detail.

Fluid Assembly

2024 | Fabricated stone formations

Studies of space and form through the language of viscus matter, then locked into a solid state. Carved in marble these spaces give an illusion of a newly discovered geologic anomaly.

From Sand and Stone

2024 | Minimalist Studies

Massive cast structures emerging from an onyx landscape of sand and stone. Abstracted vertical extensions of the landscape.

Substructure Incision

2024 | What lies beneath

Penetrating the superficial surface to expose a shift in structural language at the threshold. Revealed at the point of entry, the clean outer skin is excised. Spilling into the façade, the structure becomes celebrated ornament.


2024 | Imprinted occupation

Soft contact interiors. Materials that leave a trace on contact revealing patterns in habitation. The oils on our hands and the shifting weight in our movements treat these interiors as a canvas, marking touch.

Shifting Sands Field Labs

2024 | Walking laboratories

A series of mobile labs to study the impact of micro plastics on microbial and small marine life in littoral regions.

13 Chambers

2024 | A retrospective on the equipment that changed the food industry

A fictitious exhibit of the first generation of industrial scale surrogate protein life support systems. Making the leap from a invitro meat to supermarket shelves required the creation of complex hermetic industrial equipment.

Perpetual Figure Study

2024 | Process images of seemingly endless construction

Below are the original concept sketch and select images from a series of AI studies exploring the same idea. It was surprising how close the AI images were able to get to the original vision. The scaffolding and ‘the constructor’ were critical elements to the concept and the projecting a visual representation of process.

Prosthetic Structures

2023 | Retrofitted structural bracing for compromised buildings

Explorations in an aesthetic language for post construction structural appendages. Rather than disguising building repairs and structural adjustments behind the visual language of the building, these additions celebrate their performative appearance.